blah, blah, blah

Wednesday, November 8, 2006


Nine years ago today, I passionately professed my love to the most wonderful man in the world and vowed to him and God that I would be his wife for a life time. Today as we celebrate our anniversary, I couldn't be anymore sure than the day we married that he is God's chosen man for me. It is such an incredible feeling knowing that whatever hardship we face or roller coaster ride we find ourselves on, he is my best friend, lover, helper, biggest fan forever. Who knew 9 years ago when we said our vows that life could be this good. Of course I always wanted a "happy" marriage, but never did I dream I would experience a friendship so amazing, emotion so wild and love so deep. I love you babe.

Our rehearsal dinner

Us now.

We are so blessed to have so many people who have helped shape our marriage. Thanks to all those who have supported us, prayed for us, loved us and encouraged us all these years.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Oh happy, happy! I often think about how on my wedding day, so full of hope and dreams, I still could have never imagined the blessings on this side...
And I LOVE seeing these wedding pics b/c this is the way my mind's eye will always think of E.

6:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wedding was truly a beautiful worship service! You two are an awesome couple and we are very proud of you!! Happy Anniversary!
Momma & Daddy

11:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!

Thank you for sharing your pictures. You both look just as happy, if not more, as you did 9 years ago. And you were a stunning bride :)

Wishing you both many more years of love and happiness!

12:11 AM

Blogger Justabeachkat said...

Happy Anniversary. I've thought of you alot today and meant to call tonight. (This move has literally kept us busy from morning to bedtime!) Wow...nine years...doesn't seem possible. Dad and I have loved having you as another daughter. We love you so very much.

12:20 AM

Blogger Renee said...

Happy anniversary! I am so blessed to have shared in most of these years with you. I think you two have aged are both cuter than ever! I'm blessed by your you!

6:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. I guess I'm a little late in saying that. So, Happy Anniversary (that's for next's year).

Have a great weekend.


6:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what beautiful pictures. I hope you had a great day.


6:56 PM

Blogger Vessel said...

Congratulations on the aniversary. It is so good to see two people committed to each other and their life and legacy of kids.

5:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys look great! AND -- is that a cool picture or what with the glowing cross above??? :) WOW!!!

10:55 PM

Blogger katie said...

hey, i forgot we were married the same year! congrats... for our tenth, we're having a baby... not what we expected! we've always talked about europe for 10...i guess it will wait. :)

11:41 PM

Blogger Kate said...

Awww, so so sweet. Gorgeous pics - then and more so now! Hope you had a wonderful celebration!

1:22 PM

Blogger Kate said...

Awww, so so sweet. Gorgeous pics - then and more so now! Hope you had a wonderful celebration!

1:22 PM

Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing your love story - we need more like it!

8:50 AM

Blogger keri said...

aw, what sweet memories. and your engagement day too!! since i spied on you :)
i'm happy r and i got to be a part of that big day 9 years ago. 9 years has seemed to go by so fast. we love you and e so much!

4:10 PM


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