blah, blah, blah

Friday, November 17, 2006

the birthday girl

There is something very special about today. 5 years ago I had my first daughter. The birth of each child did something unique and magical to me. With #2 it was so special to know I was not only delivering a girl, but a special life long friend. Her beauty has captivated me from the very start. As a new born she would scoot as inch her way until she was cuddled up right under my chin. It was like she just couldn't get close enough. Today she is still the same. Touch is her primary love language and her most favorite thing to do is to glue herself to you and snuggle. She is a big help to me around the house. She can melt her daddy in an instant. She is deeply loved by her brother and sister. #1 says he loves how compassionate she is, and that is very true. She is shy, but can be very loud. She is can be timid and other times very outgoing. She is 100% completely one of a kind, and I am so proud to have her as my daughter.


Blogger keri said...

happy birthday kg...i loved seeing how she has changed over the years. what kind of party are you doing for her this year?

2:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking thru her years in pictures. Happy birthday, girl!!!

12:41 PM

Blogger Randi said...

Happy birthday to your cute girl!

11:01 PM

Blogger Renee said...

I remember where I was on the interstate when you called and told me that the ultrasound showed she was a girl! I remember us crying when I found out we were moving north and you wondering how you would handle two without us being together (Now, we our family has lived in three additional houses, we have four additional little ones between the two of us, a strong friendship, and by God's grace we are doing just fine!) I remember the day she was born and the pride on Eric's face when he came to the waiting room. I remember when I knelt on my knees and prayed for her during her surgery as an infant. I remember the first time I saw her in pigtails and prayed a secret, quiet prayer that I would one day get to have a little pigtailed girl running around in our house, too. So many memories! She is sweet and beautiful! Happy birthday sweet girl!

3:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry I'm late (been away from the blogging world for a bit), but wanted to stop by to wish your #2 a very Happy Birthday. I am sure she had the best day ever !!!

And thank you for sharing her pictures. She is just too cute !!!

3:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I love the 2nd year with those curls.

She sounds just like my #2.

8:24 AM

Blogger Kate said...

Pure sweetness! Happy Birthday big 5 year old! :)

2:08 PM


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