Sunday, November 19, 2006
About Me
- Name: terrible speller
- Location: Georgia, United States
I don't always make my kids clean up their tub toys. I love to start things, but I struggle with completing them. My voice is soft and hard to hear. I like to deep clean with a tooth brush but I hate putting things away. I love time alone. Music affects my moods and yes I listen to all the words in a song. My man is my best friend. His strength is incredible. I think my kids are the greatest kids on the face of the earth. Spam really annoys me. I love to wear eyeliner. I am an only child. I am controlling, self centered, analytical, emotional, & passionate and yes a terrible speller, but God is doing some REMARKABLE changes within me. I desire for God's glory to be known through out the entire earth. If I could wish for one thing, it would be to hear and see people all over the globe raising their hands and praising our Creator all at the same time.
haha there is always one in the crowd, or always one picture where someone has to pull a face !
what kind of cake is that ? I've never seen one like that before
3:44 AM
This made me smile. We have some pictures like this with the brother in our family.
Cute cake idea!
8:23 AM
T- it is a chocolate chip cookie cake. They are kinda popular here in the US. It has a pink poodle on it, since that is the stuffed animal that her daddy gave her and she is in love with it.
9:57 AM
Oh I love it!!! I laughed out loud as soon as I saw it.
8:52 AM
Our oldest went through a "inspector gadget" phase where he pulled this one pose from the Gadget movie everytime we pulled out the camera. Now we play spot the Gadget when we look through our old photo albums.
At least he's a cute little monster!
11:33 PM
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