She's beautiful. I remember when she was ready to be born and watching your mom gush in staff meeting that she was going to be a grandmom again. You're very blessed to have your parents right here with you.
Had a great time at the party. She is amazing, beautiful, precious. Love you! PS What's up with your email? Sent you email this morning and it was sent back.
I don't always make my kids clean up their tub toys. I love to start things, but I struggle with completing them. My voice is soft and hard to hear. I like to deep clean with a tooth brush but I hate putting things away. I love time alone. Music affects my moods and yes I listen to all the words in a song. My man is my best friend. His strength is incredible. I think my kids are the greatest kids on the face of the earth. Spam really annoys me. I love to wear eyeliner. I am an only child. I am controlling, self centered, analytical, emotional, & passionate and yes a terrible speller, but God is doing some REMARKABLE changes within me. I desire for God's glory to be known through out the entire earth. If I could wish for one thing, it would be to hear and see people all over the globe raising their hands and praising our Creator all at the same time.
I love the collage of pictures! She is so cute. Hope she has a great day!
8:31 AM
She's beautiful. I remember when she was ready to be born and watching your mom gush in staff meeting that she was going to be a grandmom again. You're very blessed to have your parents right here with you.
2:43 PM
how did the swim party go? happy birthday to your sweet girl.
9:15 PM
Happy Birthday to Tuggie's Best Gal Friend!! From the crazy crew over here -- we love you. hugs, kisses and more hugs! May
10:27 PM
I'm a little late, but Happy Birthday #3. I just know you all made her day extra special !!!
2:04 AM
Had a great time at the party. She is amazing, beautiful, precious. Love you! PS What's up with your email? Sent you email this morning and it was sent back.
9:37 AM
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