blah, blah, blah

Saturday, August 12, 2006

could something else break?

What has been going on, I mean breaking, at our house: Two cable modems got fried within 24 hours of each other due to some severe lightening storms so we've been without internet for almost a week. My man's car has had some issues and the mechanic blames the troubles on a previous mechanic, plus they want to charge us gobs of money to fix it. We'll be a one car family for almost a week. The lightening storm caused us to have to have a mother board replaced on our PC Computer. Thankfully we bought an extended warranty which covered everything. We also have to replace our router which got fried from the storm as well. Oh, and the lawn mower we jointly share with my dad and aunt was out of service for a week. I am almost afraid to use any major appliance thinking something else expensive is about to break!

I feel out of touch with all my blogging friends. Hopefully I can spend some time today and get caught up with everybody.

Well, I am have off to have, hopefully, a "break" free day!


Blogger Glass Half Full said...

Yes, I can relate! When Steve was scheduled for his gall bladder surgery seemed like everything was going wrong! Our garage door opener broke, Mark spiked a temp (roseola), and Steve is trying to recover. NUTS!!!

Things will improve....

1:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear all of that. I was wondering where you were! I hope nothing else breaks anytime soon.
Have a great weekend.

2:15 PM

Blogger Cantini #3 said...

I was missing your bloggs too....glad you're back!!!! Be careful....

10:02 PM

Blogger Just T said...

aww sorry all that happened .. things will look up .. I haven't been able to blog all week .. I thought something was wrong with blogspot .. but it seems something has happened to my blog .. I can't post, all my info has gone, even though my blog page shows up .. weird .. may have to redo it grrr .. take care !!!

5:34 AM

Blogger Hale said...

I'm sorry for your misfortunes, but it is a bit comforting that we are not just cursed and others deal with the same things.
Do one thing... buy a surge protector for your electronics!!! Sounds like you really need it.
Glad you are back blogging. :)

2:14 PM


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