its been a blog of a year
I just realized I have been blogging now for a complete year! I am impressed with myself. Normally I get real excited about something and once the newness wears off, I am done with it. I guess it is a habit that is here to stay. I never knew I would enjoy sharing intimate details of my life with the world wide web. It's been like one big life scrapbook for me. I was revisiting my entries from this past year and it was great to relive stuff that I had forgotten about. Thought I'd list a few that I enjoyed rereading the most.
1. My first ever post! (getting it all done) A moment where I was overwhelmed and lost it with the kids. Nice way to start things out : )
2. Pornography- absolutely hate it!
3. Grossest moment of my life! don't throw up
4. Unsightly hair! ouch
5. Never a grandmother
6. Precious thoughts
For you who reads my junk, thanks. My blog is simply just a daily journal. It's been unexpected and completely awesome to make friends all over the world this past year. Here's to another!
Happy Blogging Anniversary !!! I love blogging, and it amazes me that people actually like reading my blog. It's just my little thoughts and opinions, but it's also my outlet. Keep on blogging, I love reading about your life and your thoughts !!!
ps I enjoyed reading through your previous posts !
12:58 AM
shall i sing the happy anniversary song to you? i feel the same way...i will be surprised with myself if i stick with this for a year. i never tend to finish things...i get bored with it and want to find something new. but this is addicting afterall. and i can blame you for my new addiction. so thanks!
8:28 AM
Love you and your blog!
8:40 AM
Happy one year anniversary!!! Love reading your blog.
9:13 AM
I've laughed, I've cried. It could be made into a miniseries.:)
5:03 PM
I loved catching up!! And the grossest moment in your life - EEWW YUCK and ICK all at once!!
Unsightly hair - HA!
You have a sweet family. :) Blessings!!
9:55 PM
Thanks for bringing me into your blogging world! I've enjoyed it and brought several people with me!
10:01 PM
wow - a year already?! geesh, that went by fast. it's been a blast reading your "real" posts and i thoroughly enjoy what you write! keep it going!
2:47 PM
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