don't talk smack about macs
Computers are glorious things. They can also be a big pain in the booty. We've had a mac for almost 3 years. It's been awesome. I had always worked on a PC before and I found the macs to be so much easier to use. Well about a year ago we had a problem with it. Then this past week, another. So with the original problem still plaguing us and then the new one, I was one frustrated mama. You don't know just how much you depend on the things until they break! We made the decision to take advantage of the tax free weekend here in GA and the special 9% discount they were offering to teachers, (homeschooling perk). We got a new iMac. It's beautiful. I really like it. I hate spending money on stuff like that. I remember what we paid for our first computer right after we got married. It was insane how much computers cost back then. Now they are a fraction of that cost. The best thing about getting our new computer is that is came with a free printer (scanner and copier included) and also a FREE IPOD NANO. Uh, Did you hear that? That was just me squealing like a little girl. I have a shuffle, but you can't see what song comes next and I am always going -one song forward three back - ah, now there is my song I was looking for. I have loved my shuffle but I feel like a BIG GIRL now with my new NANO. It's the perfect size for me and the absolute best thing was IT WAS FREE! So, it made spending the dough not quite as painful.
Here are some silly pics we took with the program photo booth:
Oh those are great- SO fun! We live in a PC AND Mac house. My husband is a designer, so he has his big precious Mac and I have my way inferior PC. We agree to disagree. I think I just am so used to using a PC... and I'll readily accept that the MAC is superior.
P.S. my word verification this time was: mcgoo! (cute!)
11:01 AM
Hey girl- We did the same thing and i got a new Macbook! I already had a nano, so we are selling the nano, the printer and my old powerbook and will only be out $100 for the new upgrade! I love my mac!
11:17 AM
my man is a designer as well. he has his mac laptop (don't know the name) and mac for me and then a dell pc for the kids, how many "pooters" does one house need?
11:37 AM
I agree that MACs are superior...I need to learn them myslef. I just know the good 'ole PC too well.
2:51 PM
We had a Mac before we had to switch because Steve's school switched. I have to say Mac systems are more user friendly and the graphics are far better!!!
2:53 PM
well you know i love my mac. happy for you and all your fun new toys!!! whooohoooooo!! :)
5:03 PM
How fun! Reminds me of those mirrors that made people look funny!
5:41 PM
AAAAHHHHHH, you're making me crazy! I've been chomping at the bit to get a Mac for quite some time, but have been waiting for a couple upgrades that were supposed to be around the corner. Like an uber-geek I followed Steve Jobs minute by minute WWDC speech today and I was dying to get a Mac right then. NOW THIS???!!! You're freakin killing me. This is me choking and dying. iCovet
6:01 PM
forgot to pics.
11:24 PM
This truly is a blessed day for you.
6:36 PM
Those pics are so fun, I want a Mac just to do some of those!!!!
2:02 PM
Oh my!
What big teeth you have granny!
2:45 PM
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