he's her favorite
These two have been buddies from the start. His mom is one of my best friends and she delivered this precious boy just three weeks after #3 was born.
Recently they were both in the car with me and #3 leaned over and asked him, "When are you going to marry me?" He gave her an uncertain look and I just started laughing.
I hope they remain friends forever.
awww that is too cute !!!
5:54 PM
melts my heart!
8:48 PM
She's such a cutie! We watched ET tonight and I think she looks a lot like Drew Barrimore did in ET, except with brown hair. Cute as a button!
10:22 PM
That is adorable ... what a precious, close relationship - what a blessing. I had a close friend like that at a young age. We grew close like sister and brother though. It was the only person I knew I could always spend the night with - without it being an issue he was a boy. Our moms were best friends also and I considered him like a member of the family.
12:52 AM
that is so sweet. One of those time you wish you could really read what is going on in their minds!
8:10 PM
That is the cutest picture! Look at that face of hers! She looks soooo much like you as a child!
2:54 PM
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