a grump
Oh ... yesterday I had a terrible case of the grumpies. I felt completely suffocated by everyone and every thing. Frustration from the tiniest of things fueled it even more. Thankfully my man encouraged me to get out last night with a friend. He was so loving and patient with me yesterday it really helped me to see things more clearly and just calm down. He is amazing. I just can't even put it in words right now just how much I love him.
I am hoping today will be dramatically different. If it is not, well that is okay.
I get the grumpies too. My guy is great to let me have my "girl time" too. It's great to have that kind of support!
12:08 PM
a couple times a month here sounds about right. glad you have such a good man to pardon the grumpies. we'd be loonies if it weren't for our good men! (hope today was better.) :)
2:52 PM
we all get the grumpies every now and then .. I am so happy for you that you have a wonderful husband who loves EVERYTHING about you, and who understands when you need some time to gather yourself .. I have one of those too ;)
just remember - tomorrow is a new day !
6:19 PM
I just want you to know I love you grumpy or not. I will take you either way! Thanks for growing me. H
6:58 PM
We all have those days. Seems like I have been in a funk lately -- weather change maybe???
Thank God for supportive hubbies!!!
9:49 PM
I too eagerly eat up my hubbies loving and thoughtful pep talks! That's great that he could be there for you.
1:16 AM
Here's wishing you a happy day today.
3:40 AM
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