blah, blah, blah

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas is almost here

I went the other night and saw the movie Nativity. When I left my neck was wet from all the tears I shed. I thought it was awesome. I really needed it. Since I have become a mom, Christmas has just had a deeper meaning for me. I reflect on Mary and how it must have been to see her son grow up and be sacrificed for the sins of all mankind. One of my favorite things about the movie was is showed how often God invites us to be apart of his plans, and when we accept it means we do things differently than the world and even at times differently from other Christians.

Moving on from all the deep thoughts, I am supposed to be cleaning my nasty house today, but my kidlets seem to need me for every little tiny thing. (deep breaths and I whisper patience) We just took a time out from everything and snuggled up on the couch. I think it refilled the tanks, including mine, so now I am on to getting up the grim. The kids are off to a far off galaxy where Luke, #1, will fight off the bad guys and his twin sister Leah, #2 is following close behind. #3 is a character all her own tagging along and jumping in when she can.

So if anyone is feeling yucky about their house and thinks it is out of control, just come stop by and visit mine, I promise, you will leave feeling better about yourself.
Merry Christmas!


Blogger Just T said...

I love the way your kidlets interact with each other. And isn't #3's style soooo original. I LOVE IT!!!

1:13 AM

Blogger Cantini #3 said...

I love to see your kids creativity. Awesome....

6:38 AM

Blogger Dianne said...

Thanks for the word about the movie. I want to see it too so I'm glad it was good!

9:26 AM

Blogger Vessel said...

We used scenes from the movie this morning in church to talk about the nativity story. The scene when she gave birth was so awesome. It brough tears to my eyes. Especially when an 8 year old was singing "light of Jesus shine forever" at the same time the movie clip was playing. Niagra Falls on the tears.

11:11 PM


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