Very cool. Having a house of all men, I totally laughed when I saw the "huge muscles" comment in the description of himself. =)
In my household we call them the "green bean" muscles. You got it, so we could get out boys to eat green beans. Every time they ate some they had to flex and show us how the muscles re growing.
I don't always make my kids clean up their tub toys. I love to start things, but I struggle with completing them. My voice is soft and hard to hear. I like to deep clean with a tooth brush but I hate putting things away. I love time alone. Music affects my moods and yes I listen to all the words in a song. My man is my best friend. His strength is incredible. I think my kids are the greatest kids on the face of the earth. Spam really annoys me. I love to wear eyeliner. I am an only child. I am controlling, self centered, analytical, emotional, & passionate and yes a terrible speller, but God is doing some REMARKABLE changes within me. I desire for God's glory to be known through out the entire earth. If I could wish for one thing, it would be to hear and see people all over the globe raising their hands and praising our Creator all at the same time.
it is so exciting! i watched :)
9:05 PM
Very cool. Having a house of all men, I totally laughed when I saw the "huge muscles" comment in the description of himself. =)
In my household we call them the
"green bean" muscles. You got it, so we could get out boys to eat green beans. Every time they ate some they had to flex and show us how the muscles re growing.
10:44 PM
I sent my congratulations to Eric. What a great achievement!!!
ps I just loved his post about the "special day" gifts #1 and #2 did for him. You have beautiful children, inside and out!!!
11:05 PM
oh my gosh - that was sooo cool! he must be so jacked up! way to go. i remember you telling me about this last december! wooo-hooo!
8:52 AM
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