blah, blah, blah

Monday, May 15, 2006

a blah final two

There was no celebration in our home last night as the final vote was read on Survivor. Aras. So what. Next to Big Dog Terry, I mean, come on. I was so upset when Terry didn't win the last immunity. Man. I really thought he'd win the whole thing. So when it came down to Danielle and Aras, I did not care who took home the million. Now I have to comment about Shane (Can you believe he smoked at least 3 packs a day and quick cold turkey the day he left to go on the show!?). He was so stinkin Psycho. There were many nights I yelled ... vote that crazy man off, but in the end, his final statements to D & Aras will forever go down in Survioir history as some of the best. I hope after a few seasons another Survivor Allstar will come into play and Terry will come back and dominate again.


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3:43 PM


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