blah, blah, blah

Monday, May 8, 2006

The Sound of Music

It took sleeping late, reading a chapter in my Bible Study book, eating breakfast, sending a few emails and snuggling with the kids as we watched The Sound of Music to get me motivated enough to tackle cleaning the house. Call me a dork, I don't care, but I absolutely love that movie. It had been YEARS since I watched it. I was so into it. When I was younger I loved the music and that they fell in love in the end. Now that I am a few years older, I actually got the whole plot. The kids sort of liked it. After the odd morning I finally got a lot accomplished. It still never feels like enough. But when I came home from bible study tonight it felt so good walking into a super clean kitchen. I have got to get on Fly Lady to get a better pace for housework.

Ok, I am beat. Good night.


Blogger Kate said...

I love that movie!!! It's so HAPPY ya know?

8:30 AM

Blogger katie said...

you're a great mom... and i'm sure your home is cleaner than mine! thanks for the letter from landon... nicholas will write back soon!

1:52 PM

Blogger katie said...

oh, i also just blogged a little about the "interruptions" in our agendas as moms. we're in a different chapter in life right now, the "life with toddlers chapter." do you think we'll forget the hard stuff when we look back?

1:58 PM

Blogger Joan said...

The dance scene...oh, gotta love the dance scene...all jumping around the gazebo, and then at the party when he comes to help "teach" the dance and they give that very obvious "soft" mood video stuff a their eyes meet. she's like, "Well, then, kids, time for bed." :-D Something like that. I'm laughing my head off. Love it. My first "romance" movie I suppose.

10:36 AM


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