Funny little story. This has nothing to do with Halloween, but I had forgotten about it until I typed in halloweenies. The other day, #1 and I had gone to church by ourself.
My man was at home with the girls because they were sick. So, #1 and I were driving through Atlanta searching for a spot to eat lunch. We were at a red light when tons of women begin to cross the intersection. They all had on pink accents and it was obvious they were doing the Walk to help fight breast cancer. Women were every where. #1 asked me what were they doing and why did they all have on pink. So I tried to explain briefly what breast cancer was.
Then he asked, "What is a breast?"
I said, "Doctors and other people call "nickels" (long story) breast. You know like how I have nick names for you and your sisters. I might call your sister pumpkin, but that is not her real name."
Some how the conversation transfered to boy body parts.
I said, "If the doctor needed to refer to you po po he would call it a different name."
#1 replied real matter of fact, "I know, he'd call it a weenier."
I was so cracked up by his reply, I didn't get around to addressing the correct name for it.
Anyways, Halloween was so fun. My parents did pizza for all of us and we trick-or-treated in their neighborhood. I loved watching the kids go up to each door. #3 was so excited, she couldn't just walk, she had to skip to most of the houses. Everybody was extremely generous with the candy. We have enough to last us at least a year, especially since their normal ration of candy is 2 pieces a day.