Today I packed up #1 and #2's bikes and we headed just a short distance down the road to my old elementary school. I never dreamed that my kids would grow up in the same school district as me. Boy has the community changed. The school looks almost just the same but a lot older and kind of ghetto. The grounds have been neglected for a long time, trash seemed to be everywhere. Saw a few old dried up used condoms, hair barrettes, papers, pencils, and more coke bottles than I could count. Still being back on the campus brought back a lot of memories.
1. It was second grade at lunch. One of my classmates threw up all over his lunch tray. A lady from the janitorial staff reluctantly came over and began to clean it up. As she wiped, I heard her say under her breath ... Don't know why y'alls can't make it to the bathroom.
2. Another lunch, this time 3rd grade. Some goof ball boy, Corey, stated aloud to everyone who could hear ... When I get my braces off I am going to screw my girlfriend. I had never heard that phrase before. So later while I was in the car with my mom I asked her. That is when I learned about the birds and the bees. Oh and I also learned that Corey must not know what screw meant either, b/c obviously it has nothing to do with braces being on your teeth.
3. My first grade teacher telling me one day I would be Miss America. Of course she was wrong, but what first grade girl wouldn't want to hear that?
4. Third grade class. We had a strict teacher. I sat beside this boy, Brian. He was always passing gas and getting in trouble for it. One day the teacher was out of the room and everyone was silent. I accidentally pooted, and it was very loud. The whole class began to laugh and say ewwww. I blamed it on Brian. He kept denying it and repeatedly said I did it. If my memory serves me right, I think everyone thought it was him. Sorry Brian.
5. My second grade teacher taught the class some basic sign language. I loved it. I thought I was the coolest b/c I could sign Jesus.
6. In kindergarten, my little boyfriend, Joe, was captain of the "boy team" I was so proud the day he made me his co-captain. Of course I fought by my man. Boys against girls. Fighting for rights to play on the jungle gym.
7. 6th grade, (still elementary in my day). I was walking after school to a friend's house. Two highly developed black girls were hot on my heels. They were threatening to kick my butt because they claimed I stuck my hand in their face. This was of course totally untrue. I could hear them getting closer, and I knew I did not stand a chance. Suddenly a hero came. Tall Freddie, who was also black and had a crush me, (honestly, he sent me a note asking me to go with him) stepped in. He said a few choice words and threatened what he would do to them if they ever bothered me again. Thankfully for Freddie my butt was saved and those big booby girls who had been pestering me for months, finally left me alone!
8. Another 6th grade memory. Two best friends, Amy and Amy. I was on both of their list to be their 2nd best friend. Every once in a while when they got in an fight I was promoted up. (I swear to you they truly had a list) Anyways. They missed a spelling test and my teacher, Mrs Jones (she liked me b/c we went to the same church) asked me to sit in the hall with them and call out the words for a retest. They asked me to help them cheat. When I said no, one of the Amys took a purple marker and put a HUGE line on my NEW WHITE JEANS! Mind you this is before washable markers were invented. I was SO crushed. I didn't tell on them though. I cried and cried when I got home. I thought it was the worst day EVER.
9. I loved hanging out in the library. One of the librarians didn't like many kids. I didn't like her much either so I guess that is why I forgot her name but librarian Mrs. Phillips was the best. I loved her laugh. I didn't know at the time it was a deep raspy smokers laugh that often ended with a little cough. I just loved to hear it. I remember me and some friends sneaking the book "
Are You There God, It's Me Mary Margaret" and just reading the last couple pages about her becoming a "woman".
10. 6th grade. Walking in a single file line to art class, scissors in hand. A kid named Billy was in front of me. For some reason I decided to torture him the whole way to class using my scissors to repeatedly try and cut his jeans at his butt crack. He got so aggravated at me. But I just kept on. Why he did not tell on me, I will never know. BUT I met his older sister one day during my college years. She reminded me of the incident and informed me that his mom was really mad b/c I actually ruined the pair of jeans leaving a cut mark along the crack. Sorry Billy!
11. Book Character days were the best. I was Fern from Charlotte's Web, a Care Bear and my favorite: The Pig who Wished for Wings. My dad made these awesome wings and spray painted them til I thought they looked real!
12. Walking the halls singing ...
I saw you (and him) walking in the rain... and one of the janitors would always sing it back to me, then we'd laugh. (86 Oran "Juice" ... 80's music was the best!)
13. First grade. First Kiss. Several boys grabbed me and pinned me in the back corner of the play ground fence. Cliff Baxter came up and kissed me while they held me against my will. Where was my teacher? Who knows, but I did tell my mom and she got things straightened out at school. Now, as far back as my memory goes, I have more flash back about boys than girls. I was so boy crazy growing up. I remember almost every crush, but Cliff Baxter was never one of them. Had it been Brett Barfield that kissed me, I am sure I would have just blushed.
14. Last one and I will quit. Hope Evans. I'm sure there is a Hope Evans in almost every school that has ever existed. She is the girl that was a bit strange, odd, and worst of all she had cooties. Now I am not saying I never teased her, but I am also not saying I tortured her like poor Billy on the way to Art Class. We attended school together K-12. I wish could meet her one more time and say I am sorry. Her old house is on my walking route. I think of her all the time. I have even thought about knocking on the door, hoping who ever lives there might still how I could get in touch with her. I hope she had healed from all the crap she got in her past.
So this was us today at the old stomping grounds.